Bressane Vintage Postcard

vintage postcards

Here is an even closer look at the snazzy lamp shade - y head topper! Vintage postcards to me are enchanting mini historical documents. These costumes have virtually disappeared and can really only be seen now in museums or special festivals!

The hat is part of the regional costume of Bourg en Bresse in France:)

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17 cool cats commented:

Pat said...

Hats and headwear tell so many stories. I wonder what the origin of this one really is...or maybe it is ring toss. Hope it's not horseshoes...

Celine said...

Génial ce blog!
Je vous ai trouvé par The Secret is in the Sauce!
A bientôt!

Catherine said...

Oh ! I get ancestors from Bresse in my father side of the family.

A little chimney pot for brain airing ? Nice !

Pamposh Dhar said...

I'm speechless!

Silver said...

I love hats..

ooh.. but this one.. me- pass!!

The Blonde Duck said...

So stylish....

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

That is really interesting!

Sparky said...

That is soooo hilarious! Ringtoss! LOL! And the comment about horseshoes is priceless ... y'all are so funny! Thanks for the giggle. ♥ ∞

dmarks said...

If she draws the veil all the way closed, doesn't she have what amounts to a portable confessional? Then she can walk up to any priest and confess.

sepiadreams said...

WoW! And I make fun of the Red Hat Society ladies hats...This takes the cake!!! Love it....Tiina....

dmarks said...

Thank you for presenting a vintage postcard showing past personages in the royal family of Naboo. Perhaps even an ancestor of Amidala herself.

Linda said...

Hmm...interesting. LOL. {waving to you across the pond}


Dawn Parsons Smith said...

That thing cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's such an unusual costume she's wearing.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very nice portrait, Marie.
Another beautiful postcard!

Marie Reed said...

I would so like to explore this vibrant region of France!

max said...

Hey!! it's my country!! fantastic!!! very excellent your blog thanks!!