Leather Vintage Postcard Fun

My jaw dropped when MK (that groovy wonderful girl) posted this on her blog...

This is for my friend, Marie, our resident
antique postcard expert! This is a leather postcard, copyrighted 1907 and sent from Chicago with a penny stamp. It belonged to Adam's great-grandmother.

Novelty leather postcards were printed between 1904 - 1908. The leather was branded and then tinted. Yee-haw cowboy! The US postal service banned them in 1909 because they kept on jamming newly designed sorting machines:)

That cowhide sure is flexible! Thank you so much MK! You're the cow's moo!

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12 cool cats commented:

Pat said...

You are the first blog I check in the a.m. (Okay, second--I check mine first!) I learn so much from you! Maybe a few of these leather postcards can be stitched together to make a wallet!

soulbrush said...

iagree with bibi, i too learn so much from you and its such fun, a refreshingly different blog, so thanks and hugs.

Daryl said...

This is so interesting, I had no idea but I am not surprised about them jamming the sorters ..

Now I must keep an eye open for odd postcards to share with you!


Greg C said...

That is awsome. I never knew about leather post cards. I want one.

dive said...

That is a thing of strange beauty, Marie.
I love the address … No street or house number. Wonderful.
I hope you don't mind me sneaking over here from Katie's place.

M.K. said...

You are MOOO-CHO welcome, Marie!! I feel flattered :) Isn't it crazy that the address doesn't have a street line, but it does have the county??

Lori said...

How does one care for a vintage leather postcard, I wonder? Rub it with oil every so often? I bet puppies love 'em.

Anonymous said...

What a wild idea for a post card. Looks like they might have been a "tough" to write on though!

Anonymous said...

Wow - never heard of or seen leather postcards before - did they produce them in the UK I wonder ....

David said...

What a great idea. Since Chicago was one of the world's largest center for cattle slaughter, it probably wasn't long before someone came up with the idea. I'm fond of the new musical cards myself.

Katie said...

How cool -- I've never seen a leather postcard before!! Great that it's got a postmark too; love that it's so old.

Azuka said...

These are cool. I just picked up one on Thursday that was personalized from Eaton Rapids, where I live. Too bad we can't send these in the mail any more. What fun it would be to use them to send to those lovable PETA folks.