Chocoholic Spa & Yummy Vintage Postcards

vintage postcards

Here's a DIY chocolate mask recipe video! It's easy peasy and will leave your normal, dehydrated or mature (I wish that my skin wasn't so darn mature) skin glowing!

2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons yoghurt
1 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoons finely chopped oats

Mix and slather this edible mixture on your face:) Hmmm..... This could probably double as a cookie recipe!

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29 cool cats commented:

Jane Hards Photography said...

That recipe would never reach my face, just my mouth. A very scary image over my cornflakes!

Veronica Lee said...

I'm with Babooshka!
I'm giving you the blogger buddy and zombie chicken awards. Grab them from my blog!

claude said...

At home Mon Chéri eats a lot of chocolate. I think I will try this mask.
I love the card.

Pat said...

Agree with Babooshka. Or else I'd do this mask, then scrape it off into my bowl...

Betsy Brock said...

How can she resist licking her lips? ha-ha! Forget the mask...I want her eyelashes! :)

MuseSwings said...

Should the oven be preheated or maybe I should just serve this with som vanilla icecream. Love your chocolatey post. Thank you for delicious Spa Day fun.

Robin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! Your blog is just wonderful!

Catherine said...

I'm with Babooshka too, I was to ask you if we can taste eating it before spreading on our face ? I'll prepare twice the ingredients, because I believe there will leave just enough for my chin.
Thanks to share your beauty secrets, Marie.

Amy Sutter said...

I have never heard of a chocolate mask before, lol! Thank you for entering the giveaway on Aged Vintage Papier! All can enter as many times as they wish!

Jblover109Woozworld said...

How delicious is that!

SILVER said...


..not sure i can stay still enough for the mask to dry though.

Linda said...

ABSOULTY AWESOME! BONJOUR! Due to my "top secert" classification, (wink, wink) I was unable to meet up with you all. Sounds divine. BLESSINGS

Pietro Brosio said...

If I remember rightly, George V is a splendid and very smart five-star hotel! The chocolate must have been excellent there!! :-)

Maggi said...

That spa sounds awesome! Thanks for posting that mask recipe too!

Linda said...

PS MARIE-You and Muse were left a message by that cheeky/quirky JB at my blog. (wink, wink)--He seems to think I am over the South Pacific. (rofl)

Lynda said...

I knew I loved chocolate for a reason! lol. As for the hot showers on my list, I love them. They are very important. I'm sorry to hear that the economy is driving you nuts too...but at least we are not alone in that feeling :) Hope all goes well for you.

Pamposh Dhar said...

Well said, Babooshka!
That's quite a facial, Marie.
The postcard is lovely too.

Blicky Kitty said...

Ooops I ate my face mask by mistake! Oh well I guess I'll try the wine ttherapy now!

Daryl said...

Back from holiday, trying to catch up ... I bought chocolate body wash but the aroma (SMELL) was so strong (CLOYINGLY SWEET) that I only used it once and tossed it ..

Beth Niquette said...

Is the postcard art Naoveau? What a lovely piece of art! Thank you for sharing.

I LOVE chocolate. (sigh)

Margo said...

I think I could resist eating everything except the toffee chocolate wrap. That should be on the menu at a restaurant!

Mescrap said...

Smell good !!

Starman said...

Chocolate on your face? And not from eating it? That's blasphemy!

ChaChaneen said...

Sorry for the late check-in... reality interrupted my spa day! I lurve your spa day recipe for the face mask!(sigh)... let me kick off my shoes and pour some vino while I visit the others!

Sparky said...

Oh, what a yummy looking 'mud' mask! I use Milk Of Magnesa (spelling?) and a cotton swab. Works wonders on one's skin! I've been doing that for years. :o)

Kim said...

I am DEFINITELY going to try this. I use the Oil Cleansing Method ( to wash my face and this will fit right in! I think I will post this to my blog (with a shout out to you, of course!).


Clueless in Boston said...

Funny video. I thought at first the video was going to venture off into something else.... But, getting back to reality, why does a beautiful young 23 year old woman even have to use a face mask to keep her skin young looking? She has beautiful skin already, and why waste chocolate like that. I can think of better things to do with it.

Anonymous said...

ooh, chocolate... I just may try this! I recently had a facial at a Spa and to be honest, I wish I had not! too invasive for me... This mask looks far more inviting and I think I might even eat a spoonful or two!

Mike said...

I'd probably eat too many of the ingredients to be able to make good use of it.