BBC Radio Archives - HRH Princess Elizabeth in 1940

The British Monarchy has an official youtube channel! I just listened to 14 year old princess Elizabeth's very first BBC radio broadcast in 1940. The charming future Queen sent out a message of  understanding and hope to the children of the world during World War II. These 4 little minutes of archived audio are more powerful than any history book and brought tears to my eyes!

This image isn't officially a postcard:) One could certainly print it out, stamp it, and send it out as one though!

15 cool cats commented:

Pat said...

Oooh, la jeune reine. I haven't listened to the speech yet, but I did listen once to a speech given by Her Majesty when she was only a bit older, and then to one given by her when she was much older. The point was that the Queen's English (not just hers, but the British English language) has changed quite a bit. I bet if you Youtube it, you may find it. And there's a new verb: youtube!

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Charming bit of history. What an adorable voice the young Elizabeth has...and such compassion. Thanks for sharing this, Marie.

PS...I placed a vintage postcard from Puerto Rico on my blog...thanks for the inspiration!

Maggi said...

How interesting! I'm so glad we still have things like this available to us!

Irene said...

This is very cool. I remember walking out to see the Queen at the end of our street when she was first crowned and visited Canada. Anne we use to see Princess Margret quite frequently at the Royal Winter Fair, here in Toronto. You have such cool subjects.

Mandala Michelle said...

I love the Princess Leia hair! Everything sounds better with a lovely British accent. What a cool video!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for ths brief but enchanting minutes with the princesses.

Nancy said...

thank you. a good reminder of the true consequences of war.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a fantastic piece of history!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Such a soft sweet voice she had as a child! And the photo is just wonderful! Truly an historical event to remember! Thanks for sharing!

Cezar and Léia said...

That's so touching! Thanks for this precious post!
God bless you!
Cezar & Léia

Janie said...

The young queen-to-be had a very sweet, earnest voice and a moving broadcast. Thanks for sharing this bit of history.

claude said...

Charming and moving.
Our king Louis-Philippe had a head in pear form, that 's completely right. Furniture made now are not in pear wood but cherry wood. Happily our King had not his head in cherry form... I do not know if my english is so good that the one of the Princess Elizabeth.

JamaGenie said...

Marie, thank you so much for sharing this. I had no idea such recordings had been made available. What I know of the young Princess Elizabeth, this wasn't a pre-written speech she was merely reading. She genuinely did care what was happening to her future subjects during the war, and even managed to go out among the masses as a "regular" person to find out how they really lived. I hope the Queen Elizabeth lives to be 110!

dizzymslizzy said...

Thank you for bringing this important piece of history to us, Marie. There was quite a bit of queenly poise and confidence peeking through - even at this young age.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

This was so wonderful to listen to! I love her sweet voice, the old crackly sound of the radio broadcast, and their lovely accents!

She did sound so sweet and young, but her words were wise and quite mature!

Blessings & Aloha!