Colossal Dogs and Vino

dog vintage postcard

This bright as a button bambino
has everything that I little girl could want! Man's best friend in XXXXXL is at her side, wine, and an extremely heavy horse shoe are all present. ODD! Don't trip little Chloé:)

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40 cool cats commented:

Gattina said...

I am intrigued by this dog. It looks like a bernese mountain dog, but this breed is rather new.
Nice interpretation of the letter !

Pat said...

Hope she doesn't bonk Bowser with that horseshoe.

I think it's a Saint Bernard---over the years, breed appearances change a bit due to selective breeding.

mrsnesbitt said...

Hi Marie, I have invited you yo join the ABC blog as an author which once you accept I will update to admin status! Will have to see where your village is in France as we are touring the first week in September!

Rune Eide said...

The most charming dog in existence?

Unseen India Tours said...

This is so fantastic !! Very well said...Great..

Rinkly Rimes said...

Are you sure she's not going to clonk the dog on the head with the horse-shoe???

jay said...

Oh dear ... judging by the expression on that little bambino's face, I fear for the dog. That horseshoe does indeed look heavy!


Melanied'Anjou said...

Wonderful postcard! One of the loveliest I've ever seen!

Jane Hards Photography said...

V for Vino my kind of image, but that horseshoe is a little worrying.

Good to see we have a pc whizkid on the abc team. Camera skills me pc skills, no.

Carol said...

These vintage postcards are so pleasing to look at I love them...that little girl is charming in her lace trimmed frock and her ringlets....shirley temple-esque...

Clueless in Boston said...

V is also for Very pretty little girl reaching for some Vino.

Miss_Yves said...

I don't live in Cherbourg , but not very far away (80 Km)

photowannabe said...

Delightful vintage postcard. I love all the details that these old cards have. It is rather odd with the different symbols. I wonder what it all means.
It would be fantastic if you could get Mr. Linky working again. Its very time comsuming to do the ABC this way. Thank you in advance.

nonizamboni said...

Perfect choice for V...and who doesn't love a vintage image as cute as this one?! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

A very nice picture. I love these 'old ones' !

Dragonstar said...

Such a prettily posed scene - and then there's that dangerous-looking horseshoe. I have to admit that my imagination is working overtime now!

Mara said...

Little girl and vino? Not a combination I would recommend, but it makes a nice picture!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

A very interesting array of props all in one picture. So glad you stopped by my blog today☺

EG CameraGirl said...

That is an unusual scene!

Starman said...

I've heard of dogs as big as a horse, but real horseshoes?

Tina said...

how interesting. i wonder what she intended to do with the horseshoe

thanks for always stopping by my site regulary marie. i have added you to my blogroll if thats ok :)

Joy said...

A girl should never be without a horseshoe, or a bottle of wine.

Terry said...

Howdy Marie
Okay I am curious now .
what would the back of this cute little card say if you could read the invisible print ?
That is one adorable girl and the over sized pup must be due to the fact she could really hurt a smaller breed of dog with a horseshoe or two.
Maybe that's what the vino is for to soothe the aching noggen :)
Have a wonderful evening.

Veronica Lee said...

The horseshoe looks really heavy!

RA said...

LOL. I had to laugh at the comments. This is such a beautiful vintage, but according to child's nature there is a great chance for the dog to get hit by the horse shoe. Though it doesn't have to be on purpose ;). Have a great day, Marie.

Beverley Baird said...

Vino is indeed a great choice for V. Love the red stuff!
The vintage postcard tho is priceless.

Janie said...

Very cute kid, but I wonder what's she's going to do with the vino... or with the horseshoe. I hope she doesn't drop either one on the doggie's head. said...

Didn't have any other toys to play with besides a horseshoe? I'd be a bit worried for the dog. He may be in need of a vet appointment soon.

kml said...

She is adorable! The horse shoe looks heavy though!

Betsy Brock said... that white? I'll have a glass, please! :)

Lowell said...

The girl is adorable...but I don't get the connections - why the horseshoe and what does that have to do with wine or a dog?

Great postcard though and I'm sure it has a meaning that I'm missing...being really dense, and all...

Tumblewords: said...

Fascinating - as always...

kRiZcPEc said...

love this vintage look . :)Another V here!

Karyn said...

very cute postcard.

dizzymslizzy said...

There is a lot going on in this postcard, full of symbols. A horse shoe stands for good luck but I am not sure about the candy dish in front of the dog. Hmmmm…

Postcardy said...

I love this postcard. I was thinking of posting a V for vacuum cleaner ad postcard yesterday, but was busy with other things.

Beth Niquette said...

Oh, what a darling little girl! And the dog is great, too. I think he could be a Saint Bernard...

Wonderful photo!

lorhen82 said... do crack me up! I wonder if her mother also told her to run with scissors in her hands? ~Lori

Sparky said...

I know, I don't get the horse shoe either ... except, maybe, it symbolizes good luck? She's a cutey with the big dawg. :o) xx

Luna ( from Brazil ) said...

wow she is sweet!
Fabulous postcard!
but....that dog LOL
purrs and love