Father's Day Vintage Postcards

Did this vintage postcard lass give her daddy the traditional necktie for Father's day? She might have also pampered him with the book 'Neckcothitania' which contained proper cravat tying instructions. It was also the first book to use the word ‘tie’ in association with neck wear.

But watch out little lady! The stiffly starched Victorian shirt collors we're nicknamed 'Patricide.' This is after a story where a son embraced his Father and killed him with his sharp collar!

Happy Pre-Father's Day! Beware of dangerous clothy fashion statements!

Please subscribe here to my cpaphil - vintage postcard blog. Ohlala, I can't wait to see you again!

9 cool cats commented:

Starman said...

When my father died, I found most of my Father's Day gifts neatly stuck away in the back of his closet.

Anonymous said...


- Blog Bee

Marie Reed said...

Starman - That was a powerful comment. I am so sorry for your loss.

Marie Reed said...

Blog Bee - You're cute for commenting!

Pat said...

I am endlessly fascinated by your postcards and comments...

Marie Reed said...

Just to let ya'll know.. Bibi has a blog about: Belgrade and Serbia seen through the eyes of a long-term ex-pat.

I didn't know a thing about her stomping ground until I met Bibi!

Tiffany said...

These images are so cool. And my dear, your site design looks amazing... I know, Shannon, she's a total genius.

Pat said...

Gee, Marie, thanks for plugging my blog. As you know, I am a fairly regular visitor to yours, and have put you on my favorites list! Bibi sends you a slobbery "bise"!

Marie Reed said...

Bibi is just such a good puppy! Come here so I can scratch you behind your ear:) I love dog slobber!