Capricious Vintage Postcard Carrying Cats

Liege, Belgium 1879 - 37 plucky postal cats were employed to carry bundles of letters (and postcards) to nearby villages.

Editor to Marie: You have quite an active imagination. But this is ridiculous.
Marie to Editor. This is history! Go read the book!.

They were 'trained' to complete this harrowing task for saucers of cream. The experiment was short - lived.

The finicky felines proved to be undisciplined. (Imagine that!) I've been attempting to teach my cat not to wake me up at 5 in the morning. I've changed her name to rooster. Francois has changed her name to *?!éx§£!

8 cool cats commented:

Unknown said...

yay for felines! Speaking of adorable kittens, check out this link

Maybe instead of postal carriers they should have trained them to be bodyguards or assassins!

Millhill said...

How funny...I bet they delivered mail to whomever they felt like delivering it to!!
Never heard of this...adorable kitten photo too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... talk about the wrong tool for the job! When a group of people is totally unmanageable, there is a saying: "It's like hearding cats." I think perhaps the postmaster hadn't heard this saying?

David said...

Marie, not exactly the Pony Express but that means of delivering the mail only last about a year. The telegraph killed that experiment. Cute photo of the three cats. David

Run Around Paris said...

tres mignon

Jane Hards Photography said...

How funny. Cat delivering the mail is a pic I would love to have snapped. Extremely cute kittens

papel1 said...

Such a cute picture of kitties...and cats delivering mail, hmmmm. Enjoy your blog Marie.

Starman said...

Whatever possessed them to even think of trying that?
Love the Pepé Le Pew cards.