Postcard Friendship Friday #23 - Quirky French Potato History

marie antoinette vintage postcard

In 1748 the French Parliment had actually forbidden the cultivation of potatoes. They were feared to cause leprosy! Sit back and enjoy listening to how Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Benjamin Franklin, and Antoine Parmentier changed the tasty tuber's bad rap! Happy Postcard Friendship Friday:)

PS. Is my voice loud enough in these videos? I was thinking about getting a microphone. What do you think? I definatly need to work on my editing skills too!

elcome to this weeks Postcard Friendship Friday! If you're visiting and would like to join in the fun we would be thrilled;) It's easy! All you need to do is:

1. Have a blast with this mail theme! Examples include: any type of postcard, a photo of a mailbox, mailman, a stamp image, postcard altered art, or simply a photo of something that you find 'Postcard Perfect' etc etc etc!
2. Link in with Mr.Linky at the bottom of this post
3. Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what a blog party is all about!
4. Link back to the party from your post so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is talking about today! Please grab the badge if you'd like to add a bit of PFF colour to your post:)

54 cool cats commented:

Mandala Michelle said...

Yeah! It's Quirky French Potato Friday! Hi Marie, hope you've had a nice week. Love the topic, mmm potatoes!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Wonderful quirky facts! I truly enjoyed them.

Postcardy said...

Interesting cards & facts. Strange that they thought they caused leprosy.

Cezar and Léia said...

Cool post!
Very impressive!
Léia :)

Marina Miranda said...

hello Marie!
happy friendship Friday!
take care

EG CameraGirl said...

They sure do make potatoes BIG in Idaho. Actually, I live in an area that grows potatoes so I found your potato history very interesting.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Hi Marie, I couldn't get the audio to come in but I will try again later. You look so wholesomely's fun to see you like we are having a visit.

Come over and read a bit of my poetry at Oasis Writing Link (OWL) blog, I sure would appreciate your visit.

Imagine that potatoes were thought to cause leprosy! Great makes you wonder how we came to discover and accept science. <3

Sara K said...

I think that the volume is fine.... Interesting potato facts! I think I need to make some potato salad!

Aimee said...

Baked potatoes are one of my favorite foods...good thing they don't really cause leprosy! Thanks for the fascinating history lesson!

Bella Foxx said...

UM I love potatoes. The volume is good. I was a little distracted every time you leaned forward and looked down. But that's just me, otherwise it is a great video.

Carletta said...

Very cool postcards!
You have great storytelling ability. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel really stupid.

How can you know so much about a potato?

I loved it and I walk away potato wiser, thanks:)

If you were a potato, you'd be a sweet potato!

Maggi said...

Oh boy, I would have LOVED to have been at that dinner with all potato dishes! (I'm such a carb addict! lol)

Loved the video and your presentation is lovely. I did have to jack up my volume real high but no worries, I could watch it fine!

RedLan said...

Thanks for sharing the Potato history through a postcard Marie! And you have an amazing video as always.

Kristin - The Goat said...

What a fun little history! Who knew the potato was so controversial! You inspired me to make a video, but so far I haven't been too successful LOL I got one the way I liked it and I deleted it LOL I've got a steep learning curve!

Janie said...

Interesting history, and fun to hear your vivacious presentation. Your voice came through fine for me.

Robin said...

Bonjour Marie....
Great post.......cute postcard.....very interesting facts...and I loved loved loved your video.
And yes, I could clearly hear you and understand you.

Have a most beautiful weekend.

Terry said...

Howdy Marie
Oh wow this was a fabulous post.
I never knew any of this.
So much fantastic information .
Thank you very much !
I love Quirky maybe that should have been my nickname :)
Instead I was nicknamed Lucy by my uncle the day I was born as in The "I love Lucy " character .
too long to explain here :)
Anyway have a fabulous PFF .
Thank you for hosting such a great event .
Happy Trails

Chris Overstreet said...

What, no mention of that culinary delight the French fry? ;)

Paul van Yperen said...

Great post and funny card, Marie. For a long time potatoes were thought poor man's food here, like Vincent van Gogh painted on 'The Potato Eaters'. They were grown easily in Noord-Brabant, the Dutch province where he - and I - came from. But potatoes are back, and in all kind of forms. My kids love them.

And about the volume. You're loud and clear on the vlog. Your earrings give a nice extra sound effect. And you have some amazing sculptures in your room.

Buckeroomama said...

I'm enjoying your site. :)

I'll get myself organized and participate one of these days.

Lydia said...

Travel to a stark land where there are no mailboxes, no mail delivery, and probably even the Pony Express avoided at my Wednesday postcard! Happy PFF to everyone and to you, Marie, who sounds divine in the video. I loved learning about French potato history!

Sheila said...

Great post, in every way! I had no problem at all hearing you. I remember being intrigued by the metro stop dedicated to Parmentier when I first saw it.

claude said...

In USA we drove accross Idaho States and we could see a lot of potato fields. I like potatoes.
Happy to see you on the video, Marie.

RA said...

Hi Marie, I hope you are doing fine. I have missed a lot of wonderful posts here. Have a great weekend :). Hugs and love from Indonesia

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Good Morning Marie!!!
I'm still giggling from yesterday's comment so I'll start by letting you know why I'm giggling this morning as I watched your video...
Has anyone ever told you that you "talk with your hands"? If your hands were tied behind your back, I don't think you'd be able to finish a whole sentence. You are just tooooo precious!!!!! You certainly have some CAJUN in you as we all "talk with our hands" here in Louisiana!!!! (are you sure we aren't related?) :0

Secondly, I love potatoes so much...just call me a potato head! I would have died of leprosy a LONG time ago if that were true!!!
Thanks for the 'potato tutorial'...I ALWAYS love your videos. I could hear it fine by the way!!! It's all good!!!

Whew my comment is long, let me leave some room for your other visitors ;)
everything vintage

Debby said...

WOO!!! HOO!!!! Awesome post Marie, loved the video and the cards. Who knew potatoes could be such a great topic.
Happy PFF!

JamaGenie said...

Potatoes and leprosy? Thanks so much for this bit of history. The things one learns hanging out with you! ;D Happy PFF everyone!

Unknown said...

Interesting potato facts. Do not worry. I'm sure you'll improve - small steps to bigger steps:) I haven't tried a video myself.

Beth Niquette said...

What a lovely blog. I like potatoes, but right now they'll only allow us to teat red ones! Hahahaa...have a great PFF!

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

Way to get to a Quebeckers heart - potatoes! And you haven't lived till you've tried Quebec poutine!
Evelyn in Montreal

Lowell said...

I'm glad I watched your video 'cause I was sure concerned about this new disease "lepocracy"! I thought it was something contracted by the hoi polloi and transmitted to the royalty!

It is fascinating how ignorance so often drives our leaders!

But why did they think potatoes caused leprosy?

papel1 said...

Saw lots of potatoes on my Idaho trip in June. I love potatoes in any form. Hmmm french fries for lunch.

Pietro Brosio said...

Interesting post and fabulous card, Marie. About your video, I think the volume is very good.
Generally speaking, often the volume of the CDs and DVDs is not good: I find it's always too low. I think there is a permanent technical error during the recordings!! :-)

Sandy Kessler said...

that second exaggeratiove card is wonderful!!!sandy

Anonymous said...

Hi Marie...
Wonderful post!
I'm a Big French Fry Fan... LOL
Hope all's going well with you...


Starman said...

You don't need a microphone, we can hear you just fine. Isn't it amazing what people used to believe (and what some people believe now)? They also used to believe that tomatoes were poison.

Miss_Yves said...

Interesting post !
I'm late , but my post is at last up !

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful postcard !! This is so nice..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan

Chandy said...

Hi Marie! Those are so cute! And glad to see things verbally announced. It adds to the fun!

I'll be joining in again next week! I've got so many projects lined up that I've kind of slowed down on my other blog to continue daily posts on our fam's blog.

Betsy Brock said...

Oh my! Who knew? I'm glad they figured out that the potato is yummy and won't hurt you...well, that is if you don't turn them to fries and eat pounds of them daily! tee-hee!

Margo said...

love the potato post. We call them taters here in South Carolina. You are very good on the video. Join me Monday for some Not Buying? I'm giving it another shot! happy pff and have a great weekend :) xxx ooo

Sparky said...

And THAT is why government(s) should NEVER be involved in passing legislation that dictates what we eat, drink, drugs we take, wear or grow! They are invariably WRONG!! ;o)

You are so adorable Marie. The video blog was great. You should do that more often. ((Hugs)) pal. :o)

M.K. said...

Fun video!! And DON'T be nervous, Marie - you do a great job! The audio was a little soft for me, but I have horrible speakers on my laptop, so that's probably why. I enjoyed learning about potatoes' history in France. said...

You are so cute! Thanks for the history lesson. I had no idea that it was believed potatoes caused leprosy. Wow! Amazing!!!

Artifax said...

What an interesting history lesson!

What a great idea Postcard Friday is! Wish I had a postcard to share too but I'm just drawing a blank. Maybe I'll think of something in the future :)

dmarks said...

I'd love to see the very long french-fries from that "tater".

Beverley Baird said...

I laughed when I first saw the potato postcard. Thanks for sharing that and your video. Never knew that about potatoes. I always associated potatoes with the Irish.
Take care.

Winchester Manor said...

Hi Marie,

Found you through the wonderful Maggi at Just Add glitter And Stir. What a fantastic blog you have! Adding you to my blog roll so I can keep up with you!


Witchcrafted Life said...

That is seriously wild! To think the land of pomme frites once feared the humble spud!

Wishing you a stellar weekend, my dear!
♥ Jessica

peggy gatto said...

Totally love this!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great linky party. I love the idea behind your blog. I am big into vintage. Stopping by from Just Add Glitter and Stir.

lorhen82 said...

No potatoes??? Banish the thought! I never knew they thought potatoes caused leprosy...interesting! ~Lori

Patti said...

bonjour Marie!

I loved watching your quirky history lesson about the French and potatoes ;-D