Hula Hoop Vintage Postcard

hula hoop vintage postcard

In Ancient Greece Hula Hoops were made out of dried stiff grapevines! A droopy Tarzan vine just wouldn't do the trick:) Citizens hooped as a serious form of exercise. Watch out Socrates .. Roxanne Rose has the current hooping record. The American went 90 whole hours in 1987!

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33 cool cats commented:

Janine said...

Unbelievable, I can´t even manage to to that 3 minutes.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

I could never work that hula hoop but you should have seen my little sister and brothers! They didn't go 90 minutes but they were GOOD! (love the vintage pic!)

Amy said...

Really grape vines. I can barely even hula hoop. But it is fun. Happy Sunday..

Anonymous said...

Love this postcard. That is so interesting about the grape vines. I can swing it around my arm... does that count?

Winchester Manor said...

Great photo! I loved to Hula Hoop as a kid, not so good at it anymore...HA! 90 hours...holy smoke that's some serious Hula Hooping!!


Floss said...

I was never any good with hula hoops, although there is a British potato snack of the same name (guess the shape) which is very yummy!

My boys got rainbow coloured hula hoops from Flunch a few years ago - you could take them apart and put them back together with the coloured arcs in a different order. They didn't seem to come apart in use... I wonder where they went?

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Amazing detail, Marie! Can you imagine stiff vines for hoops? How did they make them smooth enough so they didn't snag your clothes or skin? <3

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

I'm just tired looking at the photo...does looking count as exercise???? ;)
Hope you are enjoying yourself girlie!!!
everything vintage

Irene said...

I wonder how good that is for your hips? Might invest in one, just to do something different.

papel1 said...

I always wondered what I should do with those evasive grape vines on my property. Hula Hoops hmmm...

The Redhead Riter said...

Maybe that should be my new exercise?! LOL

☼Hope you're having a sunshine ☼ filled Sunday!☼

Pietro Brosio said...

I read on the nice postcard: 1958 la vogue du hula-hoop.
Those were the days, Marie! :-)

Witchcrafted Life said...

So adorable! I was a hola-hoop fiend when I was a child, I used to be able to give it swirling around my waist for at least half an hour at a time. Looking back it never felt like exercise or "work", but I now realize it must have been a pretty good work out! :)

Wishing you a gorgeous week ahead, my dear!
♥ Jessica

Maggi said...

90 hours?! That's nuts! I can't hula hoop to save my life!

Polly Forns said...

Wow, that sure brings back memories! MY hula hoop was blue and I could do it forever. I'm sure I drove my Mom crazy doing that in the house. Thanks for bringing back that time in my life! Love you Sweetie.

Starman said...

I was very good.

Unknown said...

It sure brings back memories. In school there were always hoopla performances to music for sports days etc.
Doing the hoopla is good exercise; it's just trying to keep it up!

Unseen India Tours said...

Great photos !! This is lovely and beautiful too !!Unseen Rajasthan

Lola said...

Hi Marie!
Just stopped by to say you’ve been “tagged” in my latest post!

Terrific post as always - loved to hula hoop too (when I was a lot younger!)

Have a wonderful day & see you again soon!


Mia said...

I think I might go and see if I can find a hula hoop somewhere, lately I have doing a lot of the things I have never been able to do, and realized that with practice anything is possible, so why shouldn’t I be able to hula hoop :)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

90 hours...3.75 days!!!!

how do they monitor those things? continuous? I mean, what about a bathroom break? (is that a goofy question?)

*as always... love your postcards and fun facts that you post along with them!*

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Just may be the perfect exercise to get rid of those extra pounds put on by all the summer iced lattes!

Daryl said...

What fun post.. having been away at a blogfest which ironically had no wireless connectivity .. I have a lot to catch up on ..

twinkle teaches said...

I never could hula hoop. Sigh. But it always looked like fun! :)

Beth Niquette said...

That is so cool---I did not know that! And, good grief--I could hoolahoop maybe a second????

HiHo said...

I had a hot pink hoop....with glitter, I don't think I was very good at it but I looked good????Ah, the 70's. Heidi

Duchess of Tea said...

The Duchess of Tea has bestowed a title upon you. Her Grace requests the honour of your presence at the knighting ceremony to be held at Rose Tea Cottage.

I will be honoured it you would copy & paste the Award on your site.

claude said...

Oh ! I had one !

Janie said...

I didn't know the ancient Greeks made hula hoops! I do remember them from my childhood, though.

Miss_Yves said...

When I was a child , I played hoolahoop , but I wasn't so good !

Anonymous said...

I loves the Hula Hoop! See Me Hula on my Blog <3

Linda said...

Love it! What an adorable photo. I can maybe hula for 1 minute - actually was never good at that. :)

Robin said...

What a (another) fabulous postcard

Gee.....90 tires me just to think of it. :-)
