I Can Buy the Moon for 2 Cents in Paris

Quick! Go check under your couch cushions. The moon is for sale for two cents according to this vintage postcard.

This pictured Ritchey-Chrétien telescope
or RTC provided a relatively large field of view due to its primary and seconday hyperbolic mirrors. It was invented in the early 1910s by American astronomer George Willis Ritchey and the French astronomer Henri Chrétien.

Here is a little poem to get you in the vintage postcard mood.

To The Moon

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a Joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

By Percy Shelley (I'm sure that he would have liked to collect vintage postcards too)

Please subscribe here to my cpaphil - vintage postcard blog. Ohlala, I can't wait to see you again!

5 cool cats commented:

Katie said...

Marie it was SO COOL to see you featured on the PDP video! It looks like you all had so much fun; so glad the weather was good for you all. How far away do you live from Paris? I might just have to take a little train trip to visit you and your shop of a million postcards when I'm in Paris this fall! Oh, and we had leftover sourdough bread at our SF picnic; wish I could have FedExed it to you! Oh, and I love this latest collection of cards!

Volmon said...

Well done, Marie! I like the track you've chosen.

By the way, I collect lenticular postcards - in particular, those of the kitsch variety with a religious theme - and was wondering if you know of any ways I might be able to hunt them down on the internet. I haven't had all that much luck to date.

PS I think we stand a good chance of starting a trend with our daily music treats!

Anonymous said...

Hi katie
Marie has no access to her loving computer today (far away from techie stuff and from my heart !)
To answer your question we live 2 hours away south of Paris (by car or by train)
Have a wonderful week end

Katie said...

Salut Francois! Thanks for the info in Marie's absence about where you live. Hope she's enjoying being away from the techie stuff, even is she has to be away from you! It was so fun to see her on the PDP video! Love your postcards -- can't wait to check out all the cards you've posted.

Bon weekend a vous aussi!

Anonymous said...

merci !

she climbed the Eiffel tower for the first time so maybe sooner or later you will happily find a subject on this on the blog too !

the more if goes the more i like it actually (I was born in paris but i'm a county lad now !)

By the way you know parisians hated the Eiffel tower at first... and it was supposed to be temporary...

well well well, Marie will probably find a lot of interesting things to tell (sounds like a teaser... lol) and documents too (boys will like it too, yeah !)

See you later, a bientot !