Retro Play Doh

vintage postcards

Isn't this retro Play Doh canister divine! Play-Doh was originally concocted by a Mr. Noah McVicker as a pliable putty - like wallpaper cleaner! When the company heard that nursery schools were using it as a modeling compound the product was reworked and of course became a huge hit!

The boys and I played with it all afternoon!:) Johnny made about 50 mini pizzas and Noah made a bust of Napoleon and then tried to sell it to me for 20 dollars! Jeez!

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22 cool cats commented:

Betty said...

OMG! lol I never knew it looked like that.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Me play! I love Play Doh, the colours the smell the texture. Takes me back.

Amy said...

I have to say play dough is fun to play with. I still enjoy it. Have a great Sunday.

Margo said...

Young artists are so ambitious these days! I used to love play doh when I was young and then my children loved it too. The smell definitely takes me back too.

Pietro Brosio said...

If I remember well, we call it Pongo. It's amusing modeling with it.

Starman said...

Noah is going to be quite the entrepreneur.

Sweetnothin' said...

Those kids are really on the road to filling that piggy bank up.

Sparky said...

That's a happy memory! I loved Play Doh as a kid and had more than one color. I thought I was the cats meow because of that. ha ha :o)

flax and spindle said...

That is so cool!!

Mescrap said...

Thank you for the information.

The tin look so vintage and beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

I love this! My daughter and I spend so much time with Play Doh...Kewl to see this.

Clueless in Boston said...

I remember play doh. It was fun to play with and a good exercise for the imagination.

Betsy Brock said... of those childhood smells that you never forget! Such fun memories! Let me guess...did you mix colors to make violet? :)

Sara K said...

Sounds like Noah is an entrepreneur! (And very aware of his mom's obsession!)

Patty said...

Hey Marie. I never asked when you were getting married. And I love when people take out their retro collections.

Melodie said...

Love your blog. What a neat idea to share! We have 100's of old postcards. My hubby thgouth he was gonna be a collector. We sent them out as RSVPs with our wedding invitations. And never used anymore again. Most are horrible old scenic shots from who knows where. Some were very cool though. He bought them off EBay and now they are going to get sold at our garage sale in May (I hope!) Unless of course you have a use for 3 boxes of postcards??
Oh yes, and I am following you from MBC.

Pat said...

I remember similar canisters.... I love Play-doh...still. Its smell, consistency, colors.... Just read Babooshka's comment---agree 100%. Will buy some in the US this summer......

Daryl said...

Oh the memories ...

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Love that canister! What a classic.

And what a fun and beautiful blog you have. I love vintage and postcards! Thanks for stopping by my place and introducing yourself.

Looks like you're a mama of boys, just like me! It's an active, messy life but wonderful.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Play Doh is so much fun ~ I would like to see what the 50 pieces were that came in that canister! What do you think they were??? I like to make faux play doh for my first grade class ~ doesn't have that processed smell, but it is cheaper and still provides hours of fun and creating! Blessings, Katie

Blind Fly Theater said...

I appreciate your passion for vintage, in images and beyond. I've been inspired by vintage images as well, like the Les Maîtres de l'Affiche of the poster movement, and colorful fruit crate labels... thank you for additional inspiration. This is a treasure trove, and with lessons as well.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... such wonderful memories of Play-Doh

Did you know that there is a Play-Doh scented Perfume on the market?!
