Postcard Friendship Friday - Violet Lifesavers

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vintage postcard

Lifesavers with a smack of violet existed in 1919! Unusual flavors of this time included clove, malt o milk, and licorice. This iconic American hard candy is now beloved for their mint and fruit drops!

The shape of this little bonbon was due to the malfunctioning pill press that made them. The inventor didn't originally want holy sweets! He stuck with the design because of the Titanic disaster. People began associating the candy with the life preservers that were just coming into use!

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37 cool cats commented:

Linda said...

Umm...YEAH..I think I will pass, tyvm. LOL

viridian said...

Marie: I'm positng early - hope that is OK!

Lydia said...

This is one of the most fascinating postcards and background information I've ever seen! Absolutely fascinating.
As usual I'm wishing everyone Happy PFF and reminding that my postcards show up on Wednesday.

Sparky said...

I love lifesavers. Yum.
Happy PFF (mine will post on our Friday in about 4 hours). :o)

Chris Overstreet said...

Not sure I like the slogan. It distracted me so much that I posted the wrong link in Mr. Linky!

Vodka Mom said...

very, very cool!!!

Starman said...

I guess it all depends on what you used to or willing to try.

Postcardy said...

I would buy those if I ever saw them.

Clueless in Boston said...

I remember Clove lifesavers, they were my favorite; but I never heard of violet ones.

MuseSwings said...

How interesting! I'd love to try the violet flavor. There's that Titanic again!

steviewren said...

Violet flavored? I never knew that. how disgusting....I'll stick with the modern flavors, if you please.

Mescrap said...

Cool !!

The slogan still being used until today.

claude said...

I have somme violet candies at home and I like the perfume too.

Pamposh Dhar said...

Lovely violets! Another fab postcard.

Am adding my own postcards at Wandering Pam (

Happy PFF.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh I just Love Violets, and think that this is simply Beautiful ~swoons~

Some time ago in our travels, we came upon a rather unique candy shop. I purchased a tin of Violet candies. They were hard and shaped like the beloved blossom; were purple and heavily frosted with sugar. No matter how much I Love Violets, I never was able to "like" those candies...

Thanks so much for sharing this Lovely image!

April ~ AUTISM Awareness Month~

Sheila said...

Cloves, violets - not for me thank you! I can remember my grandmother having some sort of violet sweets. Ugh! But it's a beautiful card.

PeterParis said...

Amazing story! How the misfortune of some + the misfunctioning of a machine can lead to the fortune of others!

I see that there are different opinions expressed on the violet flavour! I can then add that I quite like it! :-)

Paul van Yperen said...

A Lifesaver that takes your breath away mmm.
Violet candy mmmmmm.
No seriously, I love the card and also the background info.
Thanks again Marie, for sharing.

Daryl said...

Lifesavers a part of living ... was once their ad line ... now I 'see' why

And my contribution today is a peek into the tax deadline line ...

Suzanne said...

My first postcard post. Thanks for hosting this beautiful idea.

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Really interesting postcard. Always lovely to have a bit more background information on a postvard. I would love to have tasted those sweets as I love violet sweets.
Isabelle x

Four-eyed-missy said...

Hi Marie -- that clove-flavored Lifesaver sounds interesting!

Postcards Crossing

M. A. Leal said...

Very interesting card! Greetings!

Beth Niquette said...

How totally cool! I love purple, and this postcard is a lovely one.

Thank you for posting it!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think I've gotten around to visiting everyone... except for Chris. Seems as though my computer is not allowing his site to behave long enough for me to read his post, let alone leave a comment... As always, though, I've totally enjoyed the journey and thank you, again, for hosting this Fun Friday event! Do take care...

Betsy Brock said...

And you are wanting them instead of mints at your wedding, aren't you!

Fascinating history...I never knew they had a connection to the Titanic.

A clove lifesaver?....hmmmmm.

Heather at My Coupon Coop said...

No kidding? That just blows me away! My Grandmother's name was Violet & I've always loved it.

Margo said...

Gives "hole" new meaning to lifesavers. Taking breath away sounds very dangerous!

Ana said...

cool story! Im not a huge bonbon fanatic, but i like giving new things a try which seem this one.

Happy PFF!

Aimee said...

Violet...Hmmm, they look pretty, but I'm not sure how they'd taste! Very interesting, though! Thanks again for hosting PFF. I look forward to it every week!

Virginia said...

OK, Have you had a few drops of violette syrup in a flute of champagne or prosecco? Ohh lala. It's divine.
When we meet in Paris, we will have one or two oui?

USelaine said...

The first and only place I had violet hard candies was in Turkey, 1977. If I had known how impossible they are to find in the US, I would have brought a supply home. They were magical!

Mom Time said...

Interesting postcard! This is Cherrie of following you from the Follow Me Club.

Eddy said...

Sorry, Marie,It's late for posting my PFF.It's because I'm on holydays.
Bye and happy PFF.

Catherine said...

I regret, Marie, not to have been able to participate since I'm on holidays with no scan for postcards.
This flavor was certainly interesting, as our today bonbons à la violette one can buy in delicatessen. I like these unusual taste.
Like that Postcard. Violets represents always something a little bit vintage and old fashion.
Perfect in this case.

{ Sara Yard } said...

Thank you very much for your nice comment ^.^ I love your blog and everything about vintage :D x x x

Judith Richards Shubert said...

Love Lifesavers and your pretty postcard! Thanks for the history of the sweet little wheel, too!