
vintage postcards

I am grumpy! I'm going to march upstairs and call Francois a fawning hasty - witted gudgeon. I'm sure that will make me feel a bit better. This handy dandy Shakespearean insult generator will help me stay cross and crotchety all day long! vintage postcards

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13 cool cats commented:

Sparky said...

That was hilarious and fun! Can I copy you and put that at my site?! It's kinda like ancient history, in a way. I enjoy old english (and the old norman) languages.
Sparky :o) ♥ ∞

Tess Kincaid said...

This was fun! Here's mine for today: Thou churlish swag-bellied foul deformity!

His signature looks like he was writing with a stick. Guess his quill needed sharpening.

Vodka Mom said...

That was great! You find the coolest, coolest things. :-)

Betsy Brock said...

Sooo funny!

Pat said...

Agree with Willow! He may have been good with sharp words, but he needed to sharpen his pencil and practice his penmanship!

Tanya Breese said...

LOL, nobody better make me angry today or they will get "Thou adulterate crook-pated miscreant!"
That'll teach funny!

Webradio said...

Fun et Hilarious...
Very cute...

Lori said...

COOL! Now I can call Gary something besides crack head!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I can't wait to use this one - Thou arrogant motley-minded slug! Way harsh...

Starman said...

What did poor Frncois do to deserve such contempt?

Maria said...

It's great fun! Thanks for your educational blog ;)

Ming said...

I am grouchy too!!! Grouches unite!!

soulbrush said...

you're mighty fond of the 'bard'...
being grouchy is necessary for mums sometimes.