Lady Godiva likes Vintage Postcards

vintage postcards
Starman commented that the Cycle Gladiator vintage postcard looked like a modern Lady Godiva! Holy good call batman!

Lady Godiva (1040) was that groovy Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who was tired of seeing the people of Coventry suffer under her husband's pesky taxes. He was in turn sick of getting needled by his wife to abolish the tariffs....nag nag nag! He quipped that he would abolish them if she rode naked through town. She did! Wouldn't you?

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17 cool cats commented:

Maria said...

Oh I suppose our ministry of finance would not be so easily impressed...
Have a nice day!

Betsy Brock said...

I'm not sure I remembered the actual story! Love the painting!

Tess Kincaid said...

I thought the same thing!

Lori said...

I never knew the story behind Lady Godiva. All this time I thought my toddlers were just being crazy, turns out they were trying to cut taxes.

Unknown said...

Is that a true story! I would do the same...IF I had a great bod!

Ming said...

One time I was in a restaurant and suddenly a naked lady on a horse came down the street. True story. Now I know what it was all about!

Daryl said...

Maureen O'Hara and George Nader??????


Too funny.

And it looks like she's gonna slide right off that blanket and land on her rumplestilskin!


David said...

The first streaker? To sacrifice ones modesty for the sake of the common folk - what ever happened to let them eat cake?"

soulbrush said...

when i was young and heard the story i was always enthralled with all that long hair, somehow the nudity never bothered me...

Starman said...

You have to admit that Maureen O'Hara looks a lot like the girl in the Cycle Gladiator postcard.

Katie said...

Now I know what to wear on my trip to London!

ayamlin said...

Hi marie!
Godiva reminds me chocolate:)
By the way I wanna put link of your blog on my blog. Can I?

Anonymous said...

I did not know the history behind Lady Godiva’s bold adventure on horseback - I thought she was simply an exhibitionist out for a little fresh air!

Vodka Mom said...

Of course I would! Not only would the taxes be lowered, I would scare the crap out of any pesky varmits, as well!!!

Mescrap said...

Never know about the story behind of Godiva, love your way to bring the story out.

Jane Hards Photography said...

A story I know well, me being form this part of the world. Braver lady than I am. Coventry is far too cold.

MuseSwings said...

And no one stood on the street or looked out their window to save Godiva her modesty - except for that rascal, that sneaky Peeping Tom!

Cute post - I wonder what brand of shampoo she uses?