Fairy Soap Vintage Postcard

vintage postcards
Fairy soap started out as a family operated candle and soap company in Cincinnati, Ohio!

Their soap became quite the sudsy sensation! The illuminating candle business was scrapped

I always thought that it was hilarious how it was marketed as having a distinctive fairy smell. How creative! Somebody must have had quite a sniffer. How in the world did they discern that fairy scent!

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21 cool cats commented:

Webradio said...

Hello !

Toujours aussi chouettes ces vieilles publicités...

Nostalgie, quand tu nous tiens...

soulbrush said...

ha ha how do fairies smell??

Lori said...

I'm with soulbrush, I've never sniffed a fairy. Does this soap smell like fairy poots? Or a fairy after an hour at the gym? 'Cause, y'know, I'm assuming that would be stinky.

David said...

It was a simpler time - when they called it toilet soap. Sounds a little disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I am in the market for some fairy soap...I wonder if it is still available anywhere. Must have some.

Maria said...

Hm, I think a fairy smells of ferns and moss. No? A little damp? Mushrooms?

M.K. said...

"Have you a little fairy..." What quaint grammar! I love it.

I have never heard of this soap. And you know, some folks really believe in fairies. My mother (I think) is one.

Ming said...

Never heard of it. Does it smell good?

Katie said...

I've never heard of Fairy soap either. Not sure what fairies smell like, but I think I'll stick with lemon verbena!

ayamlin said...

what a cute post card!
Actually I decorate some French post cards at my house:)
By the way I sometimes make soap by oliveoil. it's much better than products at stores in Japan.
but this soap must be good:)

Juri said...

Love your blog!! I, too, am now pondering the scent of a fairy!!


Unknown said...

I'm only hoping fairys smell really nice:)

MuseSwings said...

Ah the scent of a fairy! Roses and sunshine or ferns and trilliums? Cute soap. Cute post!

Tess Kincaid said...

Cute! Hmmmm...smells like fairy to me! :)

Anonymous said...

great post!

Business Post Card , Marketing Postcard , Advertising Postcards

Mescrap said...

Fairy Soap ....this is so cute :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

" softness is a thing called fairy" or so the UK adds went.Manx fairies of course use a secret recipe.

Anonymous said...

I believe in tooth fairies and have often stood in for them when they are overworked. So many little teeth under pillows...so little time. Always glad to help out!

Anonymous said...

Fairies smell like whatever plant they are associated with, of course! Wood fairies smell like their trees, and flower fairies smell like their flowers!

Anonymous said...

Many moons ago when I was little my Father told me that tooth fairies came in different colors - reflecting their temperment! The blue one was crabby and cheap!

ByLightOfMoon said...

I Adore these fairies or any fairies for that matter! Many thanks for sharing these with us.

I believe my dragonflies are fairies ~ yes, they are!

smiles, cyndi