The Jolly Green Giant loves Vintage Postcards

vintage postcard
The Green Giant logo hasn't always stood tall among advertising icons.

The first aired televised commercial, in 1953, terrorized lily livered youngsters. The spooky puppet stalked through the fertile valley chanting fe fi fo fum in a very Jack in the Beanstalk manner. The nightmare inducing commercial was quickly pulled. Here is the very youtubable niblet of horror. Watch at your own risk!

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3 cool cats commented:

Jane Hards Photography said...

Along with Ronald Mcdonald and clowns is there a scarier image to show children. Ok just me then, and that's now. Fascinating stuff again.

Katie said...

Hey, it's the Géant Vert! Fun to see the old image of him sitting down on the job in that funky corn couch. Ho ho ho indeed!

Betsy Brock said...

I had no idea they had to pull the first commercial because he was scaring the kids! Too funny!