How To Properly Insult Your Friends!

It's quite an insult to call somebody a pear (poire) in French! It's equivalent to calling your target an imbecile. It's bizarre that such a neutral fruit can carry peary pejorative connotations!

The graphic satirist Honoré Daumier drew the 'citizen' King Louis - Philippe I with a fat and very pear shaped knoggin. The last French king didn't like his fruity face or reigning the hexagon shaped country either. Louis- Phillippe abdicated the throne and then fled to England using the name Mr. Smith!

17 cool cats commented:

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I had no idea! The dangers and pitfalls in a forgeign language stretch on and on. :)

Lydia said...

Wow! That's very surprising. I will not inform my pear tree in the front yard about this sad news. :(

Profile Not Available said...

Considering if perhaps a box of pears might make an outstanding gift for a special someone in my life.

; )

Silver said...

Really? Ooo.. i must remember that. No "fruit" calling ..

Unknown said...

Mind your language,now! The King is offended!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Thanks for help me with my French lessons! LOL I have no idea about it, thanks for the clue!

Beth Niquette said...

Hahahaaa...I've taught cartooning to children for years and I'd never heard of the pear-headed king. (guffaw)

In cartooning it is called the teardrop shape.

I think I'm gonna have to invent cartooning using fruit shapes! How VERY fun. Thank you for sharing this! (grin)

Brenda said...

great postcard and great post - thanks for pearing, I mean sharing :D

Maggi said...

Wow, I had no idea that pear was insulting, very interesting!

maryt/theteach said...

Ha, Marie! I didn't know this tidbit of info. Thanks for sharing and giving me a laugh! :)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

LOL, bizarre.

MrCachet said...

That's very plummy, Marie. ;o)

Witchcrafted Life said...

Oh my, I never knew! And to think pears are one of my all-time favourite fruits, too (not that I would have ever got the urge to call somebody one in any language ;). You always have the most delightful fun facts! :)

Big hugs,
♥ Jessica

Janie said...

I had no idea of a pear's bad French connotations. Good thing I've been warned!

denisa said...

hahaha!I should try this one:))
great blog:X

Denisa L said...

hahaha!I should try this one:))\
great blog:X

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